Germany's 2nd national commercial mux on schedule to launch at IFA Berlin
07.05.2020 - - Germany
Speaker: Carsten Zorger, Director, Digitalradio Büro Deutschland
Germany's 2nd national commercial mux to launch at IFA Berlin
The WorldDAB Automotive conference was cancelled, but we are bringing to you all the information from our event in a series of virtual presentations over the coming weeks.
This week's video features Carsten Zorger of Digitalradio Büro Deutschland giving a comprehensive country update on all the latest developments related to DAB+ in Germany.
Watch the video to hear about the very latest research on DAB+ receiver sales including automotive, household penetration, programmes on air, and the status on the planned national commercial multiplex. Carsten also outlines the comprehensive DAB+ media marketing campaigns now happening on air, online and in retail. Download a PDF of the presentation here.