WorldDAB member Factum Radioscape at IBC 2019
09.08.2019 - Factum Radioscape - Netherlands
James Waterson, Sales Manager, Factum Radioscape
How do you see the digital radio industry evolving in the coming years?
It is clear DAB has gained momentum recently, with new countries piloting the technology and established networks adding more content and expanding coverage beyond metropolitan areas. With successful deployments and growing listenership of DAB across Europe and Australia, we expect more demand for DAB systems not only for state and commercia radio, but also local community radio. We have also seen the automotive industry engaging more with DAB receivers, and integrating this with IP Radio in a hybrid system to improve the listener experience in the vehicle. It will be great to see this as a standard feature in all new cars over the coming years.
What DAB+ products or services are you showcasing at IBC 2019?
Factum Radioscape have been hard at work revamping our ENMUXA interface, introducing new smart features to make managing a DAB Multiplex a hassle-free experience. We realise the importance of making DAB accessible for all radio broadcasters, and our focus has been to make our software solutions intuitive to set-up and operate a DAB Multiplex. This year at IBC we shall be demonstrating our new ENMUXA Audio Service Interface (ASI) and also show the improvements made to the OBSERVA DAB Monitor range.
You are one of several WorldDAB members exhibiting at IBC 2019 – what value do you see in exhibiting at the show?
IBC proves a a key event for catching up with our customer base over a coffee or a beer after the show. It also provides a good opportunity to make new contacts and get an idea for upcoming projects. Customers can stop by the stand for a demonstration of our products, and we can share with them our wealth of experience in the DAB industry.
Where can we find you and who should we ask for?
Factum Radioscape will be exhibiting in Hall 8, Stand E 90