CCBN 2008

Event attended by WorldDAB

Date: 21st - 23rd March 2008

Location: Beijing, China

The world's largest exhibition of DTV and broadband network industries, CCBN is China's only international exhibition of broadcast, cable and satellite technology and equipment. Since its hugely successful first show in 1993, CCBN has already become one of the largest exhibitions in Asia. CCBN attracts more than 60,000 professional visitors and 1,000 companies and organizations from over 30 countries from around the world. With 12 exhibition halls totalling 60,000 square meters, CCBN is where $1.12 billion USD of business deals are made every year.

Register for a Press Conference CCBN Press Conference with Beijing Jolon

Press from 50 -100 various media sectors will be invited to a 2hr press conference. The focus of the press conference will be to educate the Chinese market on the potential for DAB

Sponsor a Cocktail Party CCBN Cocktail Party

If you would like to be the sponsor of the cocktail party which will be held on the evening of Friday etc

CostWorldDAB Members only