automotiveIT Congress, Hannover, Germany

Date: 23rd March 2017
Location: Hannover, Germany
Types: Conference, Exhibition, Workshop
With top speakers and more than 500 high-caliber participants, the automotiveIT Congress has established itself as IT summit and “class reunion” for the top decision-makers in the auto industry. On March 17, 2016, the automotiveIT-Congress will take place as part of CeBIT, the world’s largest technology fair, in Hanover, Germany. By decision-makers, for decision-makers.
The presentations represent a cross section of current industry topics. Engage in discussions with speakers and participants on the nerve cord of the world’s most demanding industry – the auto industry. The number of spots for participants is limited and has been booked up in years past. So secure your place as a participant now and register immediately for this top-flight event. All lectures are simultaneously translated into English.