Uganda - Current situation - History


On 28 September 2023, the Uganda Communications Commission (UCC) launched a DAB+ Pilot Project, one of the first steps towards transforming radio broadcasting in Uganda. The Pilot project will run for a duration of one-year. The DAB+ Pilot Project covers Greater Kampala, with a coverage radius of approximately 80km from Summit View Hill, Kololo, Kampala. 

The pilot is reported to be carrying: KFM, Galaxy FM, Xfm, Next Radio, Green Radio and UBC’s Star FM.

The Commission has said:

"The DAB+ Pilot Project represents a significant forward leap in radio broadcasting technology. It aligns with the Uganda Communication Act 2013, and its implementation is guided by international agreements such as the ITU’s Geneva 2006 Agreement (GE06).

"Under the Uganda Communication Act 2013, UCC is tasked with managing radio frequency spectrum resources and setting national standards for all communication services in Uganda including audio and sound broadcasting. The Geneva 2006 Agreement (GE06) agreement aimed to harmonize the use of radiofrequency spectrum and channel arrangements for digital TV and sound broadcasting, to minimize interference and ensure efficient spectrum utilization during the transition. It provides the technical foundation of implementation for this project.

"The primary objectives of the DAB+ Pilot Project include evaluating technology attributes of digital audio broadcasting, identifying and understanding the prerequisites for national rollout, assessing market readiness through listener feedback, encouraging digital content development, understanding costs and revenue models, and informing policy & regulatory requirements for introduction of digital audio broadcasting in Uganda."