Australia - Emergency Broadcasting - History


Bushfires and floods are regularly experienced in Australia. A pop up station, 4TAB FLOOD was put on air to offer information and advice to the people of Queensland during serious flooding which affected large populations. CRA and the trial broadcasters in Canberra and Darwin have been working closely to aggregate feeds from the Emergency Management agencies and the Bureau of Meteorology to source and appropriately escalate information for broadcast over text and slideshow.


Radio broadcasts are considered essential during times of emergency as they cope well with large audiences listening at the same time and do not suffer congestion as online services do. Battery operated radios are often relied on to get communities through cyclones in Australia’s north and bushfires and floods which are regularly experienced throughout the country. A pop up station, 4TAB FLOOD was put on air to offer information and advice to the people of Queensland during serious flooding which affected large populations. CRA and the trial broadcasters in Canberra and Darwin have been working closely to aggregate feeds from the Emergency Management agencies and the Bureau of Meteorology to source and appropriately escalate information for broadcast over text and slideshow.


Radio broadcasts are considered essential during times of emergency as they cope well with large audiences listening at the same time and do not suffer congestion as online services do. Battery operated radios are often relied on to get communities through cyclones in Australia’s north and bushfires and floods which are regularly experienced throughout the country. A pop up station, 4TAB FLOOD was put on air to offer information and advice to the people of Queensland during serious flooding which affected large populations. CRA and the trial broadcasters in Canberra and Darwin have been working closely to aggregate feeds from the Emergency Management agencies and the Bureau of Meteorology to source and appropriately escalate information for broadcast over text and slideshow.