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Harris has made an announcement that The Gores Group made a bid to acquire Harris Broadcast Communication Division (BCD)
10.12.2012 - United States United States
The Gores Group, a global investment firm focused on acquiring controlling interests in mature and growing businesses, has made a binding offer to acquire the Harris Broadcast Communications Division from Harris Corporation. The Gores Group has successfully acquired and operated more than 80 companies around the world, and we are excited to help continue that tradition.

(Harris) Read more

Arqiva Invests in Four New Multiplexes
10.12.2012 - United Kingdom United Kingdom
Communications infrastructure and media services company Arqiva has announced that it is investing 6 million pounds to launch four new local multiplexes, which will bring digital radio to listeners in England.

(Radio World) Read more

BR-director representing ARD and ZDF in EBU
09.12.2012 - Germany Germany
From 2013 BR-director Ulrich Wilhelm will be a member of the highest decision-making body of the European Broadcasting Union (EBU), the Executive Board. At the General Assembly in Geneva, William elected as representatives of ARD and ZDF in the eleven-member committee, which defines the strategy of the world's largest organization of public service broadcasters, including key media policy issues. The EBU stations from 56 countries reach around 650 million people weekly.

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CRA launch special digital radio deal for xmas
09.12.2012 - Australia Australia
Dick Smith, JB Hi Fi and Harvey Norman retailers have been very supportive of digital radio and are being acknowledged specifically in the Christmas ad campaign in recognition of extra levels of support and promotional activity of the digital radio.

(Radio Today (Aust & NZ)) Read more

Harris Corporation acquisition by Gores Group
07.12.2012 - GatesAir WorldDAB Member - United States United States
I am very pleased to share with you the news that The Gores Group, a global investment firm focused on acquiring controlling interests in mature and growing businesses, has made a binding offer to acquire the Harris Broadcast Communications Division from Harris Corporation. The Gores Group has successfully acquired and operated more than 80 companies around the world, and we are excited to help continue that tradition.

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Automotive Workshop Focuses on End User
07.12.2012 - Germany Germany
The event, which took place Nov.14, had three precise goals — to give car manufacturers an timely overview of the state of digital radio and perspectives in each market, to permit the digital radio industry to network with the car industry and for both industries to jointly discuss options for new services to air.

(Radio World) Read more

D Love says buy a digital radio for Xmas
07.12.2012 - United Kingdom United Kingdom
Whilst reception of digital radio remains an issue in some areas, improvements are being made with the launch of new local digital radio services in 4 regions.

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D Love says buy a digital radio for Xmas
07.12.2012 - United Kingdom United Kingdom
Whilst reception of digital radio remains an issue in some areas, improvements are being made with the launch of new local digital radio services in 4 regions.

(Radio Today) Read more

D Love says buy a digital radio for Xmas
07.12.2012 - United Kingdom United Kingdom
Whilst reception of digital radio remains an issue in some areas, improvements are being made with the launch of new local digital radio services in 4 regions.

(Radio Today) Read more

Ad revenue grows + Joan Warner's wrap on 2012 - Radio Today
07.12.2012 - Australia Australia
Digital radio has continued to be an outstanding success with nearly one in ten Australian households.

(Radio Today (Aust & NZ)) Read more