Netherlands: 815 licences available for commercial local digital radio

20.06.2024 - Netherlands Netherlands

From 20 June to 1 August 2024, local commercial broadcasters can apply for a licence for local digital radio. There are still 815 licences available for these broadcasters, spread across 57 areas (allotments) throughout the Netherlands. Digital radio is growing rapidly in popularity and offers many opportunities. With a licence for local digital radio, broadcasters can use DAB+ (Digital Audio Broadcasting) and expand their reach. That there is a lot of enthusiasm for local digital radio was shown earlier this year during the application period for local public radio. Indeed, in February, more than 200 local public broadcasters received a licence for DAB+. Local commercial broadcasters can apply for local digital radio (DAB+) licences from 20 June 2024 until 1 August 2024.

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