Arcom unveils its radio White Paper

18.06.2024 - France France

Announced several months ago, the regulator unveiled its White Paper on radio on Tuesday morning. The reason for this is "because the media must adapt to new uses and Arcom is there to support them". The aim of the White Paper is to take stock of the current state of radio, identify the needs of each sector and offer a vision, such as that of achieving the switch to fully digital radio by the end of 2033. "Radio today is facing structural questions. It is at a crossroads," Roch-Olivier Maistre began. "The radio medium needs a horizon. To do this, it must emerge from uncertainty and prepare for the switch to all-digital broadcasting, to the benefit of all audiences and all radio stations". Referring to Balzac, Roch-Olivier Maistre said that "Good reports are those that are transformed into deeds".

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